
Manufacturer: NimbeLink
Forum Discussion

Number of units


The following data should also be added to NimbeLink unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: NimbeLink
Unique ID: serial (all lower case, example: at-atp1234567890)

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration NimbeLink for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21744

564 units of NimbeLink device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.58% of all Protocols and retranslators connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
schemaVer Version of the JSON schema record
msgId Random string for this record
deviceType class of the hardware device
org Organization
division Division
battery Battery level %
rsrq Signal quality parameter
rsrp Signal quality parameter
pwr_int Battery voltage V
rssi Signal strength dBm
power_up_tm Approximate battery charge percentage, power source remaining time %
network Technology used for this connection
ax X axis measurement mg
ay Y axis measurement mg
az Z axis measurement mg
signal Cellular signal ( bars )
tc Number of samples averaged
lvl Temperature level ( range = 0 - 5 )
c Temperature in Celsius
hacc Horizontal accuracy in meters m
pdop Position Dilution of Precision
ttf Time to fix in seconds sec
calc (Optional) true if location not obtained via GPS
ts Seconds since unix epoch
d_acc_enabled Accelerometer status
d_acc_meas_per Measurement period
d_acc_mode Accelerometer mode
d_acc_tr_conn_mov_end Connect on movement end
d_acc_tr_conn_mov_start Connect on movement start
d_acc_tr_buck_ft Bucket fill time
d_acc_tr_buck_sz Bucket size
d_acc_tr_bef_mov_end Inactivity before movement end
d_acc_tr_loc_per Location period
d_acc_tr_loc_per_ch Locations period checkin
d_acc_tr_low_ac_thr Lower accel threshold
rep_acc_enabled Accelerometer status
rep_acc_mode Accelerometer mode
rep_acc_tr_conn_mov_end Connect on movement end
rep_acc_tr_conn_mov_start Connect on movement start
rep_acc_tr_buck_ft Bucket fill time
rep_acc_tr_buck_sz Bucket size
rep_acc_tr_bef_mov_end Inactivity before movement end
rep_acc_tr_loc_per Location period
rep_acc_tr_loc_per_ch Locations per checkin
rep_acc_tr_low_ac_thr Lower accel threshold
rep_loc_usecell Location record type Cell
rep_loc_use_gps Location record type Cell
rep_loc_use_wifi Repeated Location record type CellWiFi
rep_loc_sampl_per Sampling Period
rep_tmp_high1 High
rep_tmp_high2 High
rep_tmp_low1 Low
rep_tmp_low2 Low
rep_tmp_sampling_period Sampling period
rep_gpsf_1_enabled GPSF status
rep_gpsf_1_buff GPSF buffer
rep_gpsf_1_lat GPSF Latitude
rep_gpsf_1_lon GPSF Longitude
rep_gpsf_1_rad GPSF Radius
rep_gpsf_2_buff GPSF 2 buffer
rep_gpsf_2_lat GPSF 2 Latitude
rep_gpsf_2_lon GPSF 2 Longitude
rep_gpsf_2_rad GPSF 2 Radius
rep_gpsf_auto_enabled GPSF auto status
rep_gpsf_auto_buff GPSF auto buffer
rep_gpsf_auto_rad GPSF auto radius
lat Latitude in degrees deg
lon Longitude in degrees deg
alt Altitude in meters m



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