
Manufacturer: Eview
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features EV-07B:
  • Blackbox
  • Wi-Fi positioning
Supported in Wialon:
  • LBS
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to EV-07B unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: EV-07B
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration EV-07B for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21924

174 units of EV-07B device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.87% of all Personal trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
user_id User ID
hdop Hdop
mileage Mileage m
mac MAC address of the WIFI node
command Command
seq sequence id

Alarm code (1bit - 18bit)
1bit - Battery-Low
2bit - Over speed Alert
3bit - Fall-Down Alert
4bit - Titl Alert
5bit - GEO-1 Alert
6bit - GEO-2 Alert
7bit - GEO-3 Alert
8bit - GEO-4 Alert
9bit - Power Off Alert
10bit - Power on Alert
11bit - Motion Alert
12bit - No-Motion Alert
13bit - SOS-Key
14bit - Side1 key
15bit - Side2 key
16bit - Battery charging
17bit - Battery no charging
18bit - SOS Ending
24bit -
One day upload


Status of device (1bit - 31bit)
1bit - GPS
2bit - WIFI tower
3bit - GCM tower
4bit - BLE Connected
5bit - In-Charging
6bit - Charging complete
7bit - Reboot
8bit - Historical data
9bit - AGPS data valid
10bit - Motion
11bit - Smart Locating
12bit - Home Beacon location
13bit - BLE Connected

17bit - 19bit - Work mode
20bit - 24bit - GSM signal strength
25bit - 31bit - Battery level


Flag (1bit - 8bit)
0- dialing, 1- incoming
2bit - 4bit - state:
0- Answer, 1- Missed
5bit - 8bit - type:
0 - Recents normal
1 - Recents sos call
2 - Recents side call
3 - Recents alert call
4 - Recents callback
5 - Recents monitor
6 - Recents auto answer

ret_code Ret code
number Phone number
pedometer Pedometer, Step counting
activity Activity, Step counting
heart_rate Heart rate, 0- not worn, 1- not detected, other - heart rate
trust_level Trust level, 0-100% %

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