Bolt OBD

Bolt OBD
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Bolt OBD:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Blackbox
  • GLONASS support
  • Built-in odometer
Supported in Wialon:
  • Accelerometer
  • ADC sensors
  • Digital sensors
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Bolt OBD unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Bolt OBD
Unique ID: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Bolt OBD for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 21876

475 units of Bolt OBD device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.65% of all OBD trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
cell_id_# Cell ID
cell_loc_code_# Location Area Code
mcc_# Mobile Country Code (MCC)
mnc_# Mobile Network Code (MNC)
wifi_chnl_# WiFi Channel
wifi_rssi_# Signal strength dBm
wifi_mac_ap_# MAC address of AP
gforse_dur Duration ms
gforse_ave Average absolute value of G force 1024 = 1G
gforse_peak Peak G force 1024 = 1G
rftag_gateway Gateway serial. The serial of the receiving gateway.
rftag_serial Serial number. Null in Trailer mode.
rftag_token Token. Shows asset in Trailer mode. Otherwise may be null.
rftag_gate_mode Gateway mode. 0 = Trailer, 1 = Taglist 2, 3 = Reserved
rftag_link_type Link type. 0 = Broadcast, 1 = Static, 2= Dynamic, 3 = Reserved.
rftag_tag_type Tag type. 0 = Mini, 1 = T50, 2 = Tiny, Other = reserved.
rftag_last Last seen. Time since last seen, in seconds or minutes. sec or min
rftag_last_type Last seen in mins. Indicates previous field is in minutes. min
rf_gateway Gateway serial. The serial of the receiving gateway.
rf_serial Serial number. The serial of the tag.
rf_gate_mode Gateway mode. 0 = Trailer, 1 = Taglist, 2, 3 = Reserved
rf_link_type Link type. 0 = Broadcast 1 = Static 2= Dynamic 3 = Reserved
rf_token Token. Shows asset in Trailer mode. Otherwise may be null.
rf_gained_tag Gained tag. Set when tag/asset comes into range/is selected.
rf_rssi_delta RSSI delta. Set when RSSI changes significantly (Taglist mode).
rf_please_report Please report. Set when tag requests a report.
rf_deb_fail Debounce failed. Set when digital IO’s are reported oscillating.
rf_tag_type Tag type. 0 = Mini, 1 = T50, 2 = Tiny, Other = reserved.
rf_fw_ver Firmware version
rf_hard_ver Hardware revision
rf_rssi RSSI In dBm. dBm
rf_tx_pwr Tx power. In dBm. dBm
rf_period Report period. Tag report period.
rf_period_type Period in minutes. Indicates period in minutes / seconds. sec/min
rf_count Retry count. How many times was Id message retried?
rf_pwr_int Battery voltage. Units 3.3 / 256 V.
rf_d_level Digital levels. Logical digital levels
rf_d_change Digital changes. Which levels changed.
rf_#_l_alarm Low alarm. Value below alarm threshold
rf_#_h_alarm High alarm. Value above alarm threshold
rf_#_value Value Sensor value, or INT32_MAX for null.
trip_code ASCII trip type code
project_code ASCII project code
blob_serial Device Serial Number
blob_slot_id Slot ID
blob_id BLOB ID
blob_mime_type Data Type – MIME type
blob_meta_# BLOB meta data
adc_### Analogue Data
measur_type SDI12 Measurement Type (0-9)

Measurement (scaled by 1000) Scaled by 1000 Eg milli-degrees centigrade

drv_id_type Driver ID type / flags
drv_id_data Driver ID data

Device Status Flags (1-16)

b1-b8: common across devices

b1 = trip status. 1 = “in trip”

b2 = internal battery good

b3 = external power good

b4 = connected to GSM

b5 = shunting power from battery

b6 = external power enabled

b7 = tamper alert

b8 = recovery mode active

b9-b16: device specific

severity Severity. 0 = Info, 1 = Warning, 2 = Severe, 3 = Critical
module_id Module ID
event_code Event code
ascii_debug Ascii debug string

GPS Status.
Flags b0=fix VALID, b1=3D fix, b2= old fix, due to loss of signal (b2 applies to Remora only)

tag_ser_num DM Guppy, DM SensorNode Bluetooth: serial number
tag_tx_power DM Guppy, Apple iBeacon, Eddystone, DM SensorNode Bluetooth: tx power
tag_battery DM Guppy, Ingics iBS01 Basic, Indics iBS01 Temperature/Humidity, DM SensorNode Bluetooth: battery voltage
tag_int_temp DM Guppy, DM SensorNode Bluetooth: internal temperature
tag_uuid Apple iBeacon, UUID
tag_major_id Apple iBeacon, Major ID
tag_minor_id Apple iBeacon: Minor ID
tag_namespace Eddystone, namespace
tag_instance Eddystone, instance
tag_mac Ingics iBS01 Basic, Indics iBS01 Temperature/Humidity: MAC
tag_flags Ingics iBS01 Basic, Indics iBS01 Temperature/Humidity: flags
tag_temp Indics iBS01 Temperature/Humidity, temperature
tag_hum Indics iBS01 Temperature/Humidity, humidity
tag_prob1_temp DM SensorNode Bluetooth, prob1 temperature
tag_prob2_temp DM SensorNode Bluetooth, prob2 temperature
tag_rh_temp DM SensorNode Bluetooth, rh temperature
tag_inp DM SensorNode Bluetooth, inp
tag_ai1 DM SensorNode Bluetooth, analog input 1
tag_ai2 DM SensorNode Bluetooth, analog input 2
tag_frame_type Frame type, Eddystone TLM Frame
tag_ver Version, Eddystone TLM Frame
tag_vbatt VBATT, Eddystone TLM Frame
tag_ad_pdu_c Advertising PDU count, Eddystone TLM Frame
tag_on_time Time since power-on or reboot, Eddystone TLM Frame
tag_freq Frequency, Technoton ES7 Fuel Sensor
tag_lat_acc Lateral Acceleration, Technoton ES7 Fuel Sensor
tag_lon_acc Longitidinal Acceleration, Technoton ES7 Fuel Sensor
tag_alt_acc Vertical Acceleration, Technoton ES7 Fuel Sensor
tag_tyre_num Tyre number, CUB Ble TPMS Sensor
tag_sen_id Sensor ID, CUB Ble TPMS Sensor
tag_press Pressure, CUB Ble TPMS Sensor
tag_bat Battery voltage, CUB Ble TPMS Sensor
tag_gen_type Generic Tag Type, Generic Tag Data
tag_gen_data Generic data, Generic Tag Data

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