Naviset GT-20

Naviset GT-20
Manufacturer: SibLink
Forum Discussion

Number of units

Features Naviset GT-20:
  • Blackbox
  • Satellite terminal
Supported in Wialon:
  • ADC sensors
  • Camera connection
  • CAN-bus support
  • Garmin support
  • Remote management via GPRS
  • Driver identification
  • Digital sensors
  • Remote management via SMS
  • Alarm button
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to Naviset GT-20 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Naviset GT-20
Unique ID: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Naviset GT-20 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Server port: 20356

564 units of Naviset GT-20 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.02% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
accel_X X-axis acceleration


accel_Y Y-axis acceleration


accel_Z Z-axis acceleration


adcX Analog sensor, X - number of sensor
alarm_code Alarm code
alarm_input Alarm inputs
alarm_movement Alarm movement
alarm_pwr_ext_loss Alarm external power
alarm_sequred Alarm security
am_st Agricultural machinery state
axis_weightX Axle load, X - number of sensor
can_speed Speed km/h
can_str_reg String register of CAN data
dop_status Additional field status
dutX Data FLS, X - number of sensor
dutX_temp Data FLS, X - number of sensor
engine_hours Total operation time of the engine
engine_rpm Engine RPM
event_code Event code
event_type Event type
fault_controllers Controllers accident
freq_dutX FLS frequency, X - number of sensor
frequencyX Frequency on a digital input, X - number of inputs
fuel_consumption Total fuel consumption
fuel_level Fuel level
fuel_omnicomX Omnicom fuel sensor, X - number of sensor
fw_version Current version of firmware
geofence Room geofence
hdop Horizontal dilution of precision
liq_temp Coolant temperature
mileage Total mileage Meter
number_packet Number of packet
odometer Total mileage Meter
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply V
pwr_int Power supply internal battery V
rN ModBus register N data
sat_link Count of sats
sec_state_flags Security state flags
summat_fuelX Data from 485 adder, X - number of sensor
summat_tempX Data from 485 adder, X - number of sensor
taho Engine speed
temp_can CAN temperature sensor
temp_extX External temperature sensor, X - number of sensor
temp_int Internal temperature sensor
temp_omnicomX Omnicom temperature sensor, X - number of sensor
tempX Temperature sensor, X - number of sensor
valid Valid of coordinates
wa State of agricultural machinery
wb Time is the Reaper h
wc Harvested area ha
wd Performance ha/h
we Amount of the gathered harvest t
wf Grain humidity %
wg Speed ​​beater
wh Concave clearance
can_reg Register of CAN data

It is possible to get photos from your camera.
Device can transfer data trough Iridium, Thuraya, INMARSAT communications satellites networks.

You can also download an example of object configuration file for Naviset GT-20 to be used in Wialon GPS tracking software. When creating an object, import this configuration file by selecting "Import from File" option. This way you will create a pre-configured object with some sensors. Do not forget to specify the unique Id of Your device.

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