Controlling the oil field walk-around in Russia

IoT project of the year 2021

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Bulgarneft JSC is an oil company from the Republic of Tatarstan that develops three fields.

Walking inspectors, site managers, and engineers have a schedule of visits for each field with an individual route and a list of tasks at the facility. The customer was not satisfied with the negligence of employees when inspecting oil fields, the lack of personal responsibility, bureaucracy, and much paperwork. Therefore, Bulgarneft decided to organize automatic control of oil field visiting.


The Cifrovaya bezopasnost' company from Kazan (Russia) developed the Walk-Around Control module for the client.

  • The module is integrated with Wialon providing units and geofences acting as fields. Wialon also records the fact of their visit.
  • An on-site visit is recorded using a GlobalSat TR-206 personal tracker, which an employee wears while walking around. The tracker transmits information on the employee’s location to Wialon.
  • The module user creates a task and specifies the period for visiting certain geofences.
  • The task is considered fulfilled if all sites are visited within a specified time interval. Also, a minimum amount of time for a walk-around is set: if an employee leaves the facility too quickly, the supervisor receives a notification.
  • Upon task completion, the module generates reports: automatically (sent to the email) and manually.
  • The supervisor sees who completed a certain scope of the task and how much time is left until its completion. They can also inform an employee that the walk-around time is running out if the scope of the completed task is not enough.


The customer received a full-fledged control system that motivates employees to do the work conscientiously and identifies cases when the oil field walk-around is performed improperly.


Reduction of working hours during monitoring the work of employees.

Process improvement

While using the solution, they revealed inconsistencies between formal rules and practice. The instructions have been refined, and the customer now better understands working processes and can optimize them.


An increase in the number of completed tasks.

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Company profile

IoT project of the year nomination: Personal monitoring
Business sphere: Mining and processing
Monitoring unit: Production staff

Implemented products

Wialon Hosting

Implemented hardware

GlobalSat TR-206

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