Wialon Local 2104 (updated: webinar added)

21 April, 2021
Olga Voytikhovich

We know that you, Wialon Local users, were looking forward to this article. Today, we are happy to let you know that Wialon Local 2104 is now available. You can update your current version or purchase a new distribution kit if necessary. And we are going to talk about new features that appeared in the system with the latest update.

There’s plenty to talk about: many useful changes happened in the administration system as well as in the monitoring system (separate Dashboard tab, improved reports, geofences, maps, and calculator). But first things first.

Administration system

Background service processes display. On the Status tab, now you can see the list of ongoing processes in Wialon with their completion percentage: database defragmentation, messages’ cache processing, synchronization of the database with the backup server, deleting expired messages, etc.

Background service processes display

Free space control in vital directories. Now the free space in the disks and directories vital for Wialon Local operation can be controlled with the help of email notifications.

Database compression period configuration. On the System tab, we added the ability to set the period (in days) in regards to the database compression. By default, this period is 10 days. All the older messages will be compressed, but only if the compression feature is activated. It will help reduce the taken space and store more messages uncompressed, which will speed up their processing in reports.

Database compression period configuration

Scheduled updates. Added the ability to schedule the update for a certain time and day of the week.

Backup service development. Now the backup server installation can be performed from the Wialon Local ISO image: when entering the contract number and password, you can select a Local or a backup server mode.

The backup service got its own administration system to manage and show all the important data and switch to the Local (major) mode. In the major administration system, there’s also an option of switching to the backup mode. Besides, there’s an option to save and restore the Local configuration (additional customization files, logos, and certificates).

Backup service development

Tool for export/import of .wlb message packs. We developed the mechanism for the mass background export/import of unit messages: now you can select all units or a part of the units (by account, user), launch the message export (for the entire time if necessary) and thus make their backup.

Then the old messages can be deleted from the system reducing the history. Later, if you need to view the old messages, you can launch the mass background import of the saved messages. The mechanism works in the background without overloading the system showing the status and progress.

CMS Manager

The new column for activated units on the Accounts tab. We added a separate column to display the number of activated units in the CMS on the Accounts tab. A separate column displaying the number of active units helps calculate their cost at the end of the month, simplifies the analysis of the number of active and deactivated units, and reporting on them.

The new column for activated units on the Accounts tab

Monitoring system

Introducing the unit type library. We carefully analyzed all the unit type names that our users entered and created a universal library. Now the user does not need to invent anything: in the general unit settings, they select the right unit type from our list. If the selected unit is a vehicle – the user goes further and selects the right vehicle type in the Profile tab. These types will be displayed in the unit properties window, used as a filter in the CMS and in the worklist, applied for generating reports, and added as a new parameter in the calculator.

Introducing the unit type library

The data that the user has already entered manually will not be lost – it will be transferred to the Note field.


Enhancements of the reports by geofence. In new reports by geofence and groups of geofences, we added:

  • new filters: by duration, mileage, speed, driver, trailer, parkings, stops;
  • The following sensors’ values in reports: average, min, max, initial, final temperature, initial and final counter, cargo weight, etc.;
  • the Trailer column in the Geofence table;
  • the Geofence column with the name of the geofence so that the user could understand which geofences the specified intervals belong to.

All of this will help make reports even more informative and user-friendly. 

Enhancements of the reports by geofence

The ride track from the group report. In group reports by units, we added the ability to mark the selected trip interval with a red line and center the map on it when turning on the display of all the ride tracks or messages on the map. The interval can be viewed in the Trips, Engine hours, Rides, Speedings tables for the report by unit groups, and in the Rides table for the report by driver.

The ride track from the group report

Separate menu tab for Dashboard. The Dashboard is a separate powerful tool with useful functionality, so now it is placed as a separate tab in the horizontal menu and no longer opens automatically. The Monitoring tab remains in the same place.

The data in the Dashboard is displayed only for the units that have been added to the work list.

Separate menu tab for Dashboard

Blocks management on the Dashboard page. We modified the management of the blocks’ order on the Dashboard page. Now, hovering over the block title, users can drag any block to any place. Thus, managing the blocks’ order on the Dashboard page has become genuinely user-friendly.

Blocks management on the Dashboard page


New Gurtam Maps layers. We have delivered two new map styles, and both are vector ones.

  • Gurtam Maps Vector looks similar to the current style of Gurtam Maps.
  • Gurtam Maps Vector modern design as an updated and attractive one.

Apart from the fancy appearance, the new vector styles are more technologically advanced. They load faster and allow adding new useful features in the future.


Geofence sorting while rendering. Previously, geofences were rendered randomly, and it was impossible to assign their display order if they overlapped. Sometimes, a small geofence might not be visible if it was displayed below a larger geofence.

Now the display sorting is as follows: large geofences of a circle type and geofences of a polygon type are located below smaller geofences; geofences of a line type are always higher than other geofences. It allows escaping the unwanted geofence overlapping and ensures the visibility of each of them.

Geofence sorting while rendering


Adding a converter to the calculator. Our users often employ the calculator to determine the duration of different time intervals. Previously the result of such a calculation was provided in seconds. We have added a converter that allows producing the result in a user-friendly format: hours:minutes:seconds, as well as in the date and time format.


Relocation of the fuel consumption settings to the fuel sensors. For special machinery that has several fuel tanks or engines, we relocated the fuel consumption settings to the fuel sensors settings. Now everything is located in a single window (the settings of the needed fuel sensor).

Additional info. Within the framework of this task, we also added the ability to bind sensors to sensors (engine sensors to FLS, engine efficiency sensors to the selected engine sensors); extended the fuel consumption calculation by math for FLS, and сhanged the import and export process both for sensors and entire units, so that you could, for example, import the previously exported units correctly. Also, we added new fuel consumption columns to some tables for more complete information on the unit or unit group.

Relocation of the fuel consumption settings


Route cost calculation. We added the ability to calculate the total route cost. It is displayed on the third step of planning and on the Routes tab.

In the app settings on the Planning tab, there’s a new block where you can specify the cost for the order key parameters: cost per 1 kilometer, 1 hour, 1 order, and vehicle departure. If several methods are selected, the calculation results are summed up. The received data will help calculate the cost-effectiveness allowing to plan routes at a lower cost. 

The estimated and actual routes. In the reports, you will find a new option for displaying the estimated and actual routes on the map. Now, when you find a discrepancy between the estimated and actual mileage in the report, you can click on the Display route button and see the route tracks on the map. More to that, when you click on the order icon on the map, you can see detailed information about the selected order.

Introducing custom fields. We added the ability to create custom fields with any additional info on the delivery. In the settings, there’s a new Custom fields tab where you can create as many custom fields as you need. The fields added in the settings are displayed in the separate section in the order creation dialog as well as in the orders table where each field name and its values have separate columns. It allows changing the order of the columns in the table and sorting info in each column.

We listed only a small part of the new features. You’ll find all of them in the Wialon Local 2104 checklist.

On June 10, we also hosted the webinar on the Local's new features. Check it out on our YouTube channel:

Feel free to contact the Wialon Local development team on the Wialon forum in the thread dedicated to this product. Our specialists will answer all your questions there. You are also welcome to send them to your personal manager.

Meanwhile, subscribe to our blog updates, where we tell about the latest updates of the Wialon cloud version. All this functionality will get into Wialon Local next year.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
Olga is a content editor at Gurtam. She proofreads and reviews other authors' materials, also writes about Gurtam products, presents partner use cases in the best way possible, and tells about the system updates. In fact, Olga helps out with the content of almost all Gurtam resources.


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