Fuel Control Module by Ares Sun

6 May, 2016
Aliaksandra Valasiuk

Aimed at developing an effective tool for fuel management in the agricultural and construction sector, our partner – Ares Sun Companycreated a fuel control module available in Wialon system. It allows comparing the volume of fuel dispensed and filled for different units and groups. 

The application is designed to: 

  1. compare fuel dispensing and fuel received by units, identifying discrepancies;
  2. verify fuel fillings upon request of units;
  3. verify fuel dispensing upon request for dispensing units;
  4. analyze fuel usage of units per operator;
  5. receive data on fuel consumption;
  6. ensure comprehensive control over fuel thefts, identifying the unit and the operators engaged, with the time of theft also provided.


Home screen of the application provides a client with a summary on fuel supply for all the units. The highest values also come with the volume of fuel dispensed in gallons. 

The user can also set the time interval for summary results. 2”Dispensadores” screen allows a user to select a unit or a group of units for a certain time interval to visualize the volume of fuel dispensed and the dispensing units engaged. 


“Unidades” screen allows a user to view the list of units to which the fuel was supplied and the volume of fuel dispensed during the selected time period. 


“Verificar despachos” screen allows you to obtain detailed information on fuel dispension for a specified time interval and for separate units. The results are presented in a tabular form with columns for fuel-dispensing unit, fuel-receiving unit, driver, beginning and end of fuel dispension, fuel dispensed and filled. In theory, the former two values most coincide. Otherwise, it may be a sign of fuel theft. 


With the application you can check all the necessary information online and generate reports. 

All this was done by the installation of field flowmeters on the dispensers and normal LSSD sensor on the units. 

6 7 Clients now are sure that the quantity of fuel being dispensed by the pump really goes on to the units, the original system used by the client had a cost of over $8,000 per pump and had a maintenance of approximate $1000 per year per pump, this new system created cost a fraction of that original price and will bring more benefits because the fuel sensor installed now also warranty the correct usage. 

Any company that has operations where mobile dispensers are used can now be sure of where its fuel is going.

Aliaksandra Valasiuk
Aliaksandra Valasiuk
Aliaksandra is an HW specialist at Gurtam with vast experience of consulting partners on the hardware, its choice, and configuration peculiarities. She is also responsible for the hardware section on gurtam.com and Gurtam forum.


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