Omnicomm Profi

Omnicomm Profi
Fabricante: Omnicomm
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Omnicomm Profi:
  • Caja negra
  • Dual SIM
  • Soporta GLONASS
  • Envío de datos a varios servidores
  • Odómetro incorporado
  • Llamadas de voz
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Sensores ADC
  • Datos de CAN
  • Indentificación del conductor
  • Sensores Digitales
  • MobilEye
  • Gestión remota vía SMS
  • Comunicación vía TCP

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Omnicomm Profi en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Omnicomm Profi
ID único: serial

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Omnicomm Profi para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 20617

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 2008 unidades Omnicomm Profi — es 0.08% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
amtr_x Acceleration along the X-axis g/100
amtr_y Acceleration along the Y-axis g/100
amtr_z Acceleration along the Z-axis g/100
battery Battery level %
cllsN Fuel sensor level

Bit number





0 – off,

1 – on.


GSM connection

0 – off,

1 – on.


GPS data

0 – invalid,

1 – valid.



0 – home network,

1 – roaming.


Power supply

0 – external power supply,

1 – standby power supply.


SOS button

(current state)

0 – off,

1 – on.


Tamper alert

0 – off,

1 – on.


discrete input state

0 – off,

1 – on.

fllsN Fuel sensor state: 0 - off, 1 - not ready, 2 - ready, 3 - error
id_fas The ID of the onboard equipment
mid Event ID
mileage Mileage m
pwr_ext External power V
spnN CAN bus data See FMS standard
sum_acc g
timp Engine RPM sensor value rpm
tllsN Fuel sensor temperature °C
vimp Speed sensor value km/h

MobilEye status (bitfield by CAN 700):
1bit - Peds FCW
2bit - Peds in DZ
3bit - Headway valid
4bit - TSR
5bit - LDW

me_time_indicator ME5 Time indicator
me_time_sound_type ME5 Sound type
me_time_zero_speed ME5 Zero Speed
me_headway_measure ME5 Headway measure
me_error_code ME5 Error code

ME5 parameters:
1 bit - LDW OFF
2 bit - Left LDW ON
3 bit - Right LDW ON
4 bit - FCW on
7 bit - Maintence
8 bit - Failsafe


ME5 parameters:
2 bit - Peds FCW
3 bit - Peds DZ
6 bit - Tamper Alert
8 bit - TSR enabled


ME5 TSR Warning Level:
When Speed <= road speed , TSR Warning level= 0
When Speed > road speed +[0-5kmh], TSR Warning level= 1
When Speed > road speed +[5-10kmh], TSR Warning level= 2
When Speed > road speed +[10-15kmh], TSR Warning level= 3
When Speed > road speed +[15-20kmh], TSR Warning level= 4
When Speed > road speed +[20-25kmh], TSR Warning level= 5
When Speed > road speed +[25-30kmh], TSR Warning level= 6
When Speed > road speed +[30-35kmh], TSR Warning level= 7
When Speed > road speed +35, TSR Warning level= 8

me_hw_repeat_enabled ME5 HW repeatable enabled
me_hw_warn_level ME5 Headway Warning Level
me_sign_typeN ME5 Sign Type from Display N
me_supplem_sign_typeN ME5 Supplementary Sign Type from Display N

ME5 parameters:
1 bit - Brakes
2 bit - Left Signal
3 bit - Right Signal
4 bit - Wipers
5 bit - Low Beam
6 bit - High Beam


ME5 parameters:
4 bit - Wipers Available
5 bit - Low Beam Available
6 bit - High Beam Available
8 bit - Speed Available

me_speed ME5 Speed km/h
cmd Type of packet.
avl_driver1 Copy of avl_driver.
icon_v_st iCON: Vehicle Status
icon_v_st_id iCON: Vehicle Status ID
icon_v_st_gr_id iCON: Vehicle Status Group ID
icon_msg_id iCON: Msg ID
icon_msg_stat iCON: Msg Status
icon_st_date iCON: Stat Date
icon_v_st_prev iCON: Vehicle Status Prev
icon_v_st_flg iCON: Vehicle Status Flags

OMNICOMM’s most feature-packed terminal is built for medium and heavy trucks operating in complex projects and in highly demanding situations. It has an IP54 protection rating and comes in two versions, one with WiFi for areas without GSM coverage.

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